There are currently fake advertisements and emails circulating outside of the Nordic countries, claiming that Peab is recruiting employees. Please disregard these fraudulent advertisements and messages.
Locally produced community building
Peab is the local construction and civil engineering company with the big group resources. Together with our social engagement in the community and our integrated climate and environmental work this forms the foundation of what we call locally produced community building.
Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with 13,000 employees and net sales of SEK 59 billion. With a local presence and focus on our own resources we develop, do the groundwork and build everyday life where it’s lived. Company headquarters are in Förslöv on Bjäre Peninsula in southern Sweden. The Peab share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Peab's Annual and Sustainability Report
Annual General Meeting 2024
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Peab AB (publ), was held May 6, 2024 at 4 p.m.